I have a 9mo old black austrolorp hen that has been sitting in her nest box for almost 48hrs straight now. However for the past 5-6 days she's been hanging out in their longer than normal but eventually getting out and free ranging with the rest of the flock. I've never had a standard size chicken go broody before but I know it's definately possible, and I've never had a chicken go broody at this young of an age either. I've been collecting the eggs everyday, until yesterday when she didn't get off the nest. The thing is she doesn't look like the broody's I've had before. Usually my bantams look like they are sort of in a trance like state and this one does not look like that too me. She's been resting her head on the front of the nest box as well which concerns me. If something is wrong with her what could it be and what do I do? It's been really hot here for weeks now with no rain at all so I'm wondering if it could be related too that? Thanks!