Is she egg bound? What can I do for her?

I just wanted to let everyone know that despite all of my efforts, Alice passed yesterday evening.

I tried giving her tums, I gave her baths, I kept her in the house at night while it was cold, and just about everything else that I could think of, and she sadly did not make it.

She was okay when I left for work yesterday morning. She came out of the nest box to say hi, and she was eating a drinking. But when I got home, she was in the nest box, barely alive. I brought her in the house and held her in a blanket and talked to her until she passed. So she at least died comfortably, and felt safe. It breaks my heart that I wasn't able to make her well again. But I am happy that I was able to be there with her in her final moments.

I know that may sound sappy and weird to some. But my chickens have always been my babies. I don't call myself MsChickenMomma for nothing. :)

Thank you, everyone that gave me advice on things to try. I greatly appreciate it.

I'm sorry to hear that. :( It's always hard losing a flock member, but all your efforts show you truly care.
Not sappy. She was a lucky bird to have had you. I'm dealing with the same with a hen now.

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