is smoking near chickens bad

Nah, I think it's pretty well known.

Don't believe EVERYTHING the CDC pumps out...... they're all about the $$$$ same as the FDA
Same here. I don't smoke in the house, car or anywhere like that - I go out in the snow wind and rain............

Crazy Girl, I go on the porch

OK so I go into the garage! It does suck when the wind is blowing - I HAVE to open the garage otherwise is SMELLS in there!
(Adiction at its best!) Our porch is too close to the house, connected and the smoke would come in the house.
You did the right thing. The more I think about it the more angry I get.
That disrespectful little S**t is at you house, the home of his brothers' girlfriend
with asthma, and he is smoking around her. Obviously his parents didn't beat
him enough, or maybe beat him too much.

14 is a tough age, especially for girls.

Hey Sybil, cmon kid, open your eyes. I hope you read this post and get the big picture.
Don't get wrapped up with punks. It looks exciting now but it isn't. You owe your
mom, and most of all yourself a lot more than that. If you want to come into this
forum and get some advice we'll line up to give it to you. Trust me, there is nothing
this group of folks hasn't seen or been through.
Sybil, consider this: Everyone of those asthma attacks has the potential to add scar tissue into your lungs. The more scar tissue the less air capacity and therefore as you get more scar tissue the harder breathing is!
Yes Bama, like any other group of people, we do exist

Amen, Pelican49, WE DO EXIST! But we are shunned and categorized into these redneck smokers who don't care about anyone but themselves and their smokes. And anymore with the bans on smoking we have had no choice but to stand in the rain and cold to get our fix. Yes, fix. Smoking is an addiction and a disease. Instead of condemning us and telling us to quit or that we will die... how about supporting us by not downing us about it? It is no different than an alcoholic or drug addict. Would you blatantly point your finger in their face and say these type of things? I don't think so. A lot of us started this addiction when smoking was "the thing". Years ago. And we can't up and quit overnight because someone tells us it's bad for us. We know that already. God knows I'd drop it in a heartbeat if I could. I don't impose my habit on anyone. I am very considerate about where and when I smoke. Just about anything second hand is bad. Including smoke, garbage, sneezing etc. I don't think any of us are guilt free when it comes to second hand situations.

My apologies to the Mods... just had to spit it out. I'd been chewing this for a while now. I'm sure I stirred a hornet's nest by replying to this post.
As a smoker I DO respect other peoples rights, but it seems to me non-smokers are the ones that don't seem to want to respect MY rights.
I go to several different message boards about several different subjects, and every single one of them has one of these DON'T SMOKE threads going talking about what terrible people we smokers are.

For the life of me, I can't understand how any of these people on these message boards can say with a straight face how me setting here at MY HOUSE having a smoke is effecting them, BUT even though I am NOT effecting them they are still bad mouthing me on the internet.

Your agenda isn't about me smoking, it's about you thinking that you have the right to tell others how to live their lives in general.
You can call on the government to take my rights away if that's what you want to do, I can't stop you, but you have my WORD before God, when you've taken my rights from me, then I in turn am going to find out what it is you non-smokers choose as YOUR vice, and I'm going to do everything in my power to take that RIGHT from you, plain and simple.

If THAT'S the kind of society you want to live in, where your every move is decided by someone else, then so be it.
Settin'_Pretty :

Your agenda isn't about me smoking, it's about you thinking that you have the right to tell others how to live their lives in general.
You can call on the government to take my rights away if that's what you want to do, I can't stop you, but you have my WORD before God, when you've taken my rights from me, then I in turn am going to find out what it is you non-smokers choose as YOUR vice, and I'm going to do everything in my power to take that RIGHT from you, plain and simple.

If THAT'S the kind of society you want to live in, where your every move is decided by someone else, then so be it.

Settin_pretty - next on the agenda will be folks who enjoy a glass of wine or alcohol of any kind. Once everyone has stopped beating on smokers - the drinkers will be next. No more drinking in public... no more bars or pubs etc.... you'll have to go to special stores to buy your drink, and those will be taxed to death as well..... slowly but surely .....

There are cities in California where you can't smoke in a public building, you can't smoke in your car, and you can't smoke on the street....
its so out of hand its FUNNY.
Can someone check and see how many people are killed by smoking and compare that to how many are killed by drunk fools getting behind the wheel?​
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