Is something (or someone) stealing my eggs???


8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
Central PA
I've gotten ZERO eggs in the last two days from my eight hens, who generally give me 5 or 6 eggs a day. My hens are in two different coops. Could it be possible that something or someone has been stealing the eggs? There are no signs of animal entry, no holes dug under the coop. Although my rooster is definitely molting, I don't think my ladies are. HELP? What's going on?
It seems like the excessive heat this summer is doing a number on Fall laying. I'm seeing a lot of people reporting a reduction in eggs and an increase in early molt. Perhaps yours are getting ready to molt too?
How will I know they are getting ready? Or will I just know when they start losing feathers? My roo is already molting... Darn heat, anyway!
Agreed! The molt is definitely on. My egg numbers are awful from what I had grown used to. The first adult molt for 10 girls,at least they are taking turns. 8/9 a day was great now 3/4,6/7 never know. But the ones that have resumed the eggs are terrific xlarge spheres. My new girls are starting to come on line so I will just soldier on.
I didn't think about a snake. Mostly because the coops are in different areas of my yard, and I didn't think that a snake would find both coops. I supposed that's a definite possibility though. Any kind of traps I could set for a snake? Might be a silly question...
The girls are in coops/runs all day, and only free range an hour or so before sundown so I can keep an eye on them.
The warm weather could be the trouble... If that's the case, will they come out of molt earlier and lay better in the winter?
Probably either a molt or a snake....we had a black snake in our coop once and he actually got to be friends with the chickens...."roosted" with them at night....pretty funny and I didn't mind him too much. He left about a month ago. He definately ate plenty of eggs.
Oh. my. goodness. I would probably pee myself if I found a black snake cuddling with my girls! Not only that, but my 3 year old often checks the eggs for me, so that just wouldn't be ok. What did you do to get rid of him, or did he just leave when he had his fill?
Snakes will eat eggs. If you want to get rid of the snake, put a wooden egg in the box. He won't eat anymore after that. Snakes don't stand a chance around my hens. They eat them. As long as its not poisonous, I would relocate it because they are benenficial, but not if they will cause you a heart attack. Also remind the kids not to touch any snake, unless they are old enough to know how to identify them. Just for good measure- I have my kids wear golashes in the back yard in case they do step on a snake, they have protection an their feet and ankles.

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