Is the air sac supposed to move....??


11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Clay, Alabama
Hey, guys. Have a question....this is my first hatching attempt, and I have a question. Today is Day 18. I tried candling my 16 Ameraucana eggs, but I'm not experienced with candling. For the most part, I couldn't make out a darn thing! The shells are just too dark or something--nothing but opaque, dark area for the entire portion of the egg below the air sac.

However, I did notice in one the air sac was mis-shapen. It dipped way down on one side. When trying to get a better look, as I tilted the egg I noticed that the air sac (void area) moved further down the egg as I gently titled it. Is this normal? I have no idea.

Could this be dead chick?

Please advise!!

UPDATE: changed title in hopes of a response
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sounds like a detached airsac. I had one in a duck egg nothing developed but I have heard some do if you can put it in a egg carton or egg turner and the air sac is at the top. Just try and see can't hurt anything.
I have at least two eggs like that, they're on day... umm... well, they're due on the 24th and they're alive and kicking like the rest of them. The way I see it, if the eggs aren't completely smashed, you set them, worst comes to worse, you pull them out later, no harm, no foul.
All 37 of my latest shipped eggs have loose air sacs that float around. I've got them all in cartons for that reason. Some have stopped moving and settled near the top. The eggs are on day 6. I candled a few today but couldn't really tell on most. Hopefully tomorrow or friday I will know how they are doing.
Well, I guess I did the right thing--I have an auto. turner, which kept it upright for the first 18 days, and I am using cardboard egg cartons for hatching, so it's still upright....Yea!

Since I'm not 100% about any of the eggs due to my inexperience in both hatching and candling, I went ahead and moved every one into the egg cartons and put them back in the bator. None of them were smelling or oozing
so I figured it couldn't hurt to just put them all in there....even the ones that are surely infertile--they still look pretty much like when I first put them in the bator.

Thanks so much for your input!! I'm SO EXCITED!!! and nervous! It's like being pregnant all over again...well, actually I think it's worse. At least when I was pregnant I had a pretty good idea what was going on! LOL!

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