Is the egg dead now?


8 Years
Sep 5, 2011
Ok I want a honest answer, just tell me if the egg/chick is screwed, you don't have to sweeten the answer at all or give me hope. I have just went out to feed the hens no and I picked up one of the broody's eggs and it was really windy and the shed from the other door blew backwards and wacked into me, I then got pushed forward and the egg shaked and I felt something wobble inside, weather it was a chick or just left overs for a moldy egg I don't know. If it was a chick will it be ok or will it be killed now? It really wasn't shaked that hard, just enough to feel what ever is inside bash against the other side of the egg. I will be really annoyed if it will be dead because its the only egg I know hadn't fell out from under the hen (just my luck).

P.S. she is on day 17 and when I say the only one that hasn't rolled out its because she first started sitting some eggs rolled out and were left uncovered.
You'll have to wait until day 21 to find out. I've had broody hens fight over eggs throughout the 21 day period and even though they were rocked and rolled constantly they still hatched. Try not to disturb any eggs after today...they need to stay under her with plenty of heat and humidity to hatch.
You'll have to wait until day 21 to find out. I've had broody hens fight over eggs throughout the 21 day period and even though they were rocked and rolled constantly they still hatched. Try not to disturb any eggs after today...they need to stay under her with plenty of heat and humidity to hatch.
I did make a mistake on what day it was, it is day 16 but I doubt that really makes a difference. I don't usually pick them up and I am not going to anymore after the only time I decide to something wrong happens.
Well hopefully no harm, no "fowl"...Hehee. Hopefully you'll get babies this Thursday or Friday.
I really hope not because I don't think they will hatch anyways :/. And thanks, the eggs are due on Saturday.
Did you mark the egg? I would go back tonight and candle and see if you can see the peep moving inside...Typically at day 16, I can see the developing chick move a little when candling (its not big enough yet to just look dark). Even if you don't see movement, i would leave it be. Peeps are pretty tough...Hopefully it's fine....
Yep, Saturday! I miscounted. Also just had a hatch and most hatched a day early.
Good point ascinos, marking eggs will show which ones are original and which ones were laid later by other hens. I check every day to take out non-marked eggs so not to have a staggered hatch.
Yep, Saturday! I miscounted. Also just had a hatch and most hatched a day early.
Good point ascinos, marking eggs will show which ones are original and which ones were laid later by other hens. I check every day to take out non-marked eggs so not to have a staggered hatch.
All the eggs are marked with the name of the hen that layed it. This particular egg happens to be the broody hens own egg!

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