Is the water safe?


5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
Hi guys so I have two call duckling and they have grown out of the sink for their daily swims! I have been filling the sink from jus from downstairs in the kitchen but obviously I can't do that for the bath! The water in the bathroom is drinking water but it is stored In a header tank so mum said we couldn't drink it. Will it be okay for my ducklings? The water is stagnant and when you use some more fills up, it is safe?

Stored in a heater tank? i am sorry not sure what your mum means, is she able to expand on the water concerns? For my calls i use the hose plus they adore rain water.
Not sure what you mean either. But if you have to question if it's safe I wouldn't use it. Do what Going Quackers suggested and use hose water
You mean that you have a water heater? Everyone in the US uses a water heater and I have never heard that it isn't safe to drink. If you are referring to a water heater then it would be safe. If you are referring to something else then I don't know. A water heater stores water at a constant heated temp. It automatically fills as it is being used.
No I mean we have a header tank! Can't use a hose because don't think it would reach into my bathroom! They are only two weeks old!!
No I mean we have a header tank! Can't use a hose because don't think it would reach into my bathroom! They are only two weeks old!!

Where does the water come from that's stored in a header tank? Can you just use something else that's shallow to fill for them if they are only 2 weeks old?
The water comes from the local spring it it the same water we drink but ours isn't in a header tank.
I would just find them a shallow pan or plastic tub to swim in using the water you used before. I do not know what a header tank is or why you can't drink the water from it.
Ok they like to dive deep though. Oh well they will just have to survive! Lol I think it is because it is stagnant. Thanks for all your help

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