Is there a difference between Guineafowl colors?


RIP Ryder (2022) & Hammy (2019)
Sep 16, 2019
SW Georgia
Are the different guineafowl colors useful for anything other than looks? I’m just wondering why some people prefer one color over the other.

They are all tick eaters so that’s what I care about.
Are the different guineafowl colors useful for anything other than looks? I’m just wondering why some people prefer one color over the other.

They are all tick eaters so that’s what I care about.
There can also be a difference in their demeanor. Pearl guineas seem to be mellower than the other varieties. My Coral Blues are very dominant and the meanest guineas that I have had. My Chocolates are somewhere in between. Many of the different colors are also "eye candy".
There can also be a difference in their demeanor. Pearl guineas seem to be mellower than the other varieties. My Coral Blues are very dominant and the meanest guineas that I have had. My Chocolates are somewhere in between. Many of the different colors are also "eye candy".
That’s kind of funny R2elk, because the ones I rehomed for attacking our other fowl were pearl greys, and someone, I don’t remover who, stated on this forum that pearl greys are feisty! After that rehome, my most and least dominant members were pearl grey, and our one coral blue was way down in the pecking order. Now, our most dominant cock is pearly grey pied.
That’s kind of funny R2elk, because the ones I rehomed for attacking our other fowl were pearl greys, and someone, I don’t remover who, stated on this forum that pearl greys are feisty! After that rehome, my most and least dominant members were pearl grey, and our one coral blue was way down in the pecking order. Now, our most dominant cock is pearly grey pied.
It can also be the individual lines. Way back when I had Pearl Grays, mine were very mellow.

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