Is there a name for the color of my EE Rooster?


6 Years
Jul 6, 2013
Upper Michigan

Is there a name for the color of my EE Rooster....or is there a corresponding color he would be if he had been a pullet or hen?
I don't understand rooster colors or the genetics.
Also what type is comb is his considered to be?
He is a Meyer Hatchery EE.

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He has a pea comb, and that's what most EEs have. The color pattern he has is one only a male can have. It is similar to a salmon Faverolles. Other genes are present judging by the striping in his hackles.
He is an Easter Egger, so there is no color pattern as there is no standard for Easter Eggers.

Having said that, his color is along the line of the Ameraucana Silver Male...the Silver female looks partridge like, and partridge is a typical female Easter Egger pattern.

But again...there is no color standard for Easter Eggers and they don't breed true, so you can't get any set female/male color patterns like you could on a true breed.

Lady of McCamley
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^ x2.
Because there's no color standard with EEs, it can hatch and create virtually any color you can imagine. Because of that, you can name your own colors too :) yours looks like gold duckwing even.
I had a EE hen that I called "buff laced cream" she was off white with golden buff lacing.


I hatched out a color I never seen before. She came from a "partridge" and what I called "light Colombian"

She had the same pattern as the "partridge" except she was black and white instead of shades of brown. Never decided on a name for the color, I've never seen any color like it.

So really it's up to you, what you want to call the EE colors. They vary and can be anything really :)

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