Is there a way to find out who is laying the eggs?


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 13, 2018
My husband and I adopted Daphne (Rouen) and Margery (Pekin) in March. There were a couple of eggs in the first week, but then both girls went into an early moult, I assume from the stress of the change of the move to a new place (also, their flock-mates were eaten by a fisher at their old home just prior to us adopting them). Neither duck produced an egg for the next month or so. As the weather warmed up, we started seeing one egg per day. The eggs are all identical and are almost always in a nest (except for the rare “middle of the floor” egg). The two girls cuddle at night, but I’ve never seen who sits on the nest or who lays the eggs. I’ve always assumed Daphne as she is slow to come out some mornings and I always find an egg on those mornings. However, why would Margie not lay any eggs? Maybe they each lay an egg on alternating days? Both girls seem perfectly happy and healthy. Anyways, is there a way to find out who lays a particular egg?

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