Is there a way to mark chicks


Mar 3, 2016
Framingham, MA
Hi brand new chicken owner here. We just got 4 buff orpingtons one for each one of my kids. Until they get a bit bigger is there a way to mark them so they know who's is who? I was wondering if a dot of nail polish on a toe would be okay?

Karen in MA
Welcome! Nail polish should work fine, preferably NOT red, which might encourage pecking. They will change daily, and grow fast, but hopefully differ a bit so you can recognize individuals. Mary
I would think nail polish would either get pecked off or wear off pretty quickly. If I have to mark chicks, I use different colored zip ties. They have to be checked and replaced as chicks grow, but they're not going to wear off and are easy to spot. I've also used food dye and Kool Aid. Just put a big dab of color on each chicks head. It'll stay there until the new feathers grow in, and can be reapplied after new feather growth or not.

But, polish would absolutely work. Even if only temporarily.
I use nail polish to mark the legs of hens that are so similar in appearance, they appear to be clones. It does wear off, but lasts for months.

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