Is there anything wrong with adding a small tray of water and some food when you set Button Quail eg

I just heard there are 3 more in the incubator waiting for me to get home. 2 running around and one still fighting his way out. I am not sure why the delay. These buttons are coming hours apart. My heat was a little high the first 3 days and my cheap incubator did not hold humidity very well. I had to add water almost every day. Humidity would be over 60% after I would add water and 24 hours later it would be at 25% maybe it instability caused issues.
Humidity can be a pain when you are running the air conditioner. After a few days you can do a eggtopsy if you really want to know what happened or you can do a simple float test then discard the fails (by day 19 any that didn't hatch should be a fail). Good news is there's always more eggs when you want them lol.
Aren't they just the cutest little things? I'm glad you've had some success. Incubators often have hot spots and cool spots so the speed of development depends on where particular eggs are in the incubator sometimes.
I had one that had trouble getting out of the shell...he appears weak and others were picking at him. I put him back in the incubator and turned it down to 35c and added food and water....THEN another one just popped!!! I may end up with more than I can handle! LOL
well the one little guy that I thought was going to have a problem seems to be ok today. He still has marks on his back from his hard birth, but he spent the night in the incubator at a reduced temperature. I thought the hatching was over but 7 more popped out last night! He has some new friends this morning and seems to be getting along with them ok. I cleared out some of the egg shells and added fresh water and food. I lowered the temperature to 34.9. Fatima will watch them today. We may need to set up a second box. We have 16 now! My GF loves it, but not sure how we are going to raise all may get a few back :)
well the one little guy that I thought was going to have a problem seems to be ok today. He still has marks on his back from his hard birth, but he spent the night in the incubator at a reduced temperature. I thought the hatching was over but 7 more popped out last night! He has some new friends this morning and seems to be getting along with them ok. I cleared out some of the egg shells and added fresh water and food. I lowered the temperature to 34.9. Fatima will watch them today. We may need to set up a second box. We have 16 now! My GF loves it, but not sure how we are going to raise all may get a few back :)
LOL Nooo I don't want any back. Trying to convince G to get rid of the ones we have and get a more useful quail type.

*sounds like your incubator might have cool and warm spots with that staggered hatch.
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LOL Nooo I don't want any back. Trying to convince G to get rid of the ones we have and get a more useful quail type.

*sounds like your incubator might have cool and warm spots with that staggered hatch.
Are you thinking about going with Coturnix? With the space you have they would be perfect and I hear they make great meat birds and egg layers. Not sure I could do that though. I was worried sick over a tiny button that I thought wasn't going to make it. Not sure I could butcher something I raised from a chick, but if you are from the farm I am sure you look at it differently.
We have had coturnix and bob whites before. G wasn't real fond of either of them. The bobs were pretty vicious and the babies ripped beaks off button babies of the same age. I talked him out of killing the bob babies, so we sold them instead. I have some gambel quail eggs ordered. Just looking at something attractive and different.

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