Is there something wrong with my hen? *PIC*


11 Years
Jan 11, 2009
We have an eight month old pullet named Oddball, who is starting to worry me. Am I being too paranoid, or should I be concerned?

1. Our rooster doesn't mate with her.

2. She doesn't sleep on the roosts with everyone else.

3. I don't THINK she is laying.

I couldn't get any great pictures of her, so this is the best one:

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We have a RIR that does not associate with the others, but she is our pet. She thinks my husband is her mommy. She is always where he is at. We call her baby because she was always smaller than the others.

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There are hens that are a bit different. I have a few in the barn that just want to be LEFT ALONE. I do not know if they are laying, but the CERTAINLY will not allow any roo to mate her. If a roo even tries to grab her by the neck feathers she swings around a attacks the roo !!

Perhaps your hen has taught the roos to keep away.

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