Is there something wrong with this chick?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 20, 2014
I took this chick of the brooder just for the picture but I noticed something on the wing of the chick. What is that? A burn or just skin :( ? Or should I not worry about it?
I dont have much exprience with chickens because im a newbie. But i suggest wait a few days and see if it gets any better. If its still there you might want to take it to the vet. :/
It looks like just skin. When the chicks are just hatched and still wet, they look like that. I wouldn't worry. By the end of the week the chick should start growing feathers.

Do people really take their birds to the Vet? It always makes me smile when I see this. My birds are strictly farm animals. Meat, eggs, and entertainment watching them strut around the yard. If it's something I can't figure out myself (either reading or watching a video) they go into the pot. Plain and simple. After all they are farm animals!

You have a point there. But you never know what diseases are out there. Im getting chickens in the next month or so. Do you have any suggestions for the breed i should get?
I would hope people would take their chickens to the vet, i know i would.

I would say since the chick is a new born, wait a couple of days. If anything gets worse, put her/him into its own pen and take him/her to the vet as soon as you can!
You have a point there. But you never know what diseases are out there. Im getting chickens in the next month or so. Do you have any suggestions for the breed i should get?
Now that's a loaded question! You need to define exactly what it is you want first...productive (lots of eggs) birds or pets that provide breakfast, 'eye-candy' pretty birds or pretty eggs, variety, and so on. Then, how much space do you have? How many do you want? The old 'chicken math' will most likely take plan on say, four birds....choose the ones you want...see how small and cute they are and realize you want...need...a couple, or six more...and you're gone. There are some bantam (small) breeds that make fabulous pets, such as Silkies, D'Uccles, Cochins, Sultans, and so on, but they aren't known for laying a lot of eggs. Then the Leghorns are awesome egg layers but are known for being really (really) high strung--lots of white eggs, but not terribly friendly for the most part. You also want to think about weather--big, floppy combs and wattles get frostbitten easily if you have a long, cold winter like we have in the midwest...
Sorry...don't mean to scare you off...I like the search and figuring out what worked best for us over the past 6 years so it's fun to try them out.
In my experience, for me, I want pretty eggs laid by pretty birds--enjoy just watching and being around them and their unique personalities, so I have a variety.

To start with, for large fowl I'd recommend Buckeyes (awesome personalities, decent egg layers of light brown eggs and handle cold weather well--I have both hatchery and breeder quality girls), Orpingtons as Chicken-Farmer mentioned, for the same reasons, Sussex, and Easter Eggers--they lay pretty green, blue or pinkish eggs and often have the great ;muff' of feathers on their cheeks and come in all colors. I also love my Marans (Wheaten, Blue Copper, Blue and Splash) for their gorgeous chocolate brown eggs...

Best of luck in your search--enjoy the ride, it's a fun one! You'll be able to find lots more information here on BYC to help you sure helps me:)

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