Is there still hope?


In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2015
Pampa, TX
Last night sometime my broody hen left her 18 eggs. This morning they were all cold so reactively I just put them in an incubator. Is this a wasted effort or does anyone know if there's still hope?? Was gonna wait and candle them once we got some heat going through them again. Please advise.
It depends on how cold they actually got and how long they stayed cold. I’ve had a broody hen go back to the wrong nest. The eggs were really cold to the touch when I found her and put her back on the right nest. She hatched 11 out of 11 eggs so yes there is still hope. But it’s not a good thing to have happened.

Good luck!
It depends on how cold they actually got and how long they stayed cold. I’ve had a broody hen go back to the wrong nest. The eggs were really cold to the touch when I found her and put her back on the right nest. She hatched 11 out of 11 eggs so yes there is still hope. But it’s not a good thing to have happened.

Good luck!

The eggs on the outside were really cold. It was 15° here this morning but they were in bedding and a coop with a heat lamp. She wasn't laying on them and didn't even come back in the coop once I walked out with the eggs. She's been sitting on a fence all morning. The eggs warmed up surprisingly fast when put in the incubator with heat and humidity. Thanks for your input. Keeping fingers crossed. One hatched out last night.
I've had a broody misplace an egg once, it rolled out of the coop and into the pouring rain where it must've been for about an hour before I found it, sopping wet and ice cold. I tucked it back under the hen and it hatched 2 days later. Chicks are surprisingly touch little things! This story might also interest you:

Good luck with your hatch!

Very interesting readings! Offers a bit of encouragement! Thanks!!

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