Is there such a think as a "Mutt" chicken?


10 Years
Apr 7, 2009
Where can I find hatching eggs? I want to finish out my dozen (currently 3 RIR, 3 Golden Comets, 3 Araucanas). I posted several adds on CL but so far only those people have offered.
Sure there are chickens that are mixes of all sorts of things. It's reaching the point I hardly have a chicken with a single breed name. What are you looking for though?
yup! A mutt chicken is any kind of mixed chickens that aren't pure bred---if you breed two different breeds togethers, even if they are pure, you get mutts:)
I've got mutt chickens and eggs coming out my butt LOL! Lots of purebreds too, but none are seperated, so you get the idea. Did you try posting on here to see if anyone was close to you? I don't know where you are but if you were close I would give you eggs for free
I just hatched out 30 of my eggs, my hen hatched 3 yesterday and I have a bator full! I would be thrilled for someone to take some (duck eggs too)!
I'm in OH. If I needed more than 3 I would pay for them to be shipped. I'm going to place another add probably tomorrow to see if anyone responds. I really like the idea of going to pick them up so I can see where the parents are kept. Makes me feel better knowing they aren't mistreated.
What are you looking for? Mutts are mutts and I have mutts.

One of the main points of mutts is that they aren't all the same. If you want standard size eggs you don't get hatching eggs from my japanese bantam x serama x d'uccles. They will give you tiny eggs but due to some mixture I don't know getting thrown in somewhere there's about a 50% chance they will be blue eggs. If you don't want birds that take forever to mature you don't want to get hatching eggs from my welsummer x maran x penedesenca because it will be 8months or more before you see any sign of an egg but you will get xlarge dark brown eggs. If you want calm, tame birds you don't go looking for a leghorn cross. Just like if I go to the dog shelter I'll be looking for a good sized athletic dog for a farm or agility course so I might pick a herding breed or livestock guardian mix and avoid the puggle or chug.​

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