Is this a Barred Rock pullet?


6 Years
Mar 20, 2014
Nine Mile Falls, WA
This is a member of my first flock at a week old. I bought 2 Barred Rocks from the farm store and they were listed as pullets. One looks every bit like all the pictures I've seen of BR chicks. And, from what I've read, "she" has the dark shading on "her" legs and the small head spot. So, I am pretty sure she is a "she". However, the other BR I got (the one pictured) has the the dark shading on the legs, but does not seem to have the head markings of a "she" or even possibly the markings of a Barred Rock chick. Any ideas would be great. Thanks!
Excellent! I was starting to wonder if someone else jumped in the box due to the large amounts of white on the head and even some on the wing feathers. So, I am guessing/hoping it looks to be a little girl? Dark leg shading and all...
So, I have to admit, I don't know that I am convinced that this one of my girls is a Barred Rock. I wonder if she could be a Wyadotte. Here are a few more pictures of her:



The reason I still question her breed, is because this is the other Barred Rock that I got at the same time:


Also, there were Sliver Wyadottes that came in at the same time. I am super new to chickens and I don't mean to be a pest, but I was hoping for a little more input about "her", if possible.
Thank you so much!
Also, I meant to add that "she" is definitely smaller than the other Barred Rock. Also more docile and friendly. Don't know if that is any help, but she is a sweetie. :)
Anyone else have any input?
I have to admit, it's pretty impressive how some people on here can tell different breeds and even gender on some of these chicks. I tend to notice small details, but I am just starting to pick up on some of the difference between one chick to another.
It's not a wyandotte. I would agree that it's a barred rock. Her head marking is huge for a female, but her wings are coming in really dark, so that's an encouraging sign that she's a she. Let her feather more, and you'll know for sure on gender.

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