Is this a Buff Brahma? What Gender?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 4, 2012
This one is 15 weeks old; but did have a delay in growth around 2-3 weeks of age.
i was told that it was Buff Brahma. Does it look like it?

I know that Brahmas can be slow in developing. i thought this one was a hen, but i'm starting to think otherwise. (she's been ruffling neck feathers and jumping at others, i noticed spurs, and her face is getting more red).

Can anyone tell me if she's a he? Also, if it's a Buff Brahma?

That is a red sex link pullet. Buff Brahmas have feathered legs, are buff colored with black in the neck and tail feathers, and they have a pea comb. They also have a bit heavier build.
i bought the fertilized eggs off of craigslist and was told they were RIR. 8 hatched and all were RIR except this one. i called the seller and he said that a Buff Brahma egg must have gotten mixed in with my bunch.
A red sex link is usually a red rooster over a silver hen, so that could be what happened. She looks pretty classic red sex link.

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