Is this a copperhead?

I'm not the best at identifying snakes but it might be or it's a water snake. Dark brown cross bands show it to be a water snake. Copperheads have hourglass shaped bands with dots and typically about 2 foot long. I don't like snakes and probably had done the same thing you did!
I'm pretty positive that was just some kind of non-venoumous water snake judging from the color pattern. Its a little hard for me to see in the picture but if you look at the head, copperheads and most venomous snakes have bumps behind their heads which hold venom sacks giving their heads a triangular look. I don't know, I guess I don't have kids and am not coming into contact with them everyday but I thinks its such a shame when people kill snakes like that.
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My daughter killed it, she was letting the kids fish at the pond and her youngest who is 4 almost stepped on it. It didn't slither away it coiled up and reused to move. They have a rat snake in the horse barn they call mouse trap and leave it alone.
That is not a copperhead. It probably was a northern water snake. Non-venomous.

Even venomous snakes have their place and deserve respect. Try teaching the kids to avoid rather than indiscriminately killing things you don't know what they are.

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