Is This a Drake Feather? 5-6 Week Old Pekins

Am i the only one who noticeed all those things in the water? what are they minnows for your aflac ducks to snack on???
They are fruits (samara) from the red maple tree. Strong winds have nearly stripped the tree, it looks like snow cover in my yard there were so many "helicopters" coming down.

The ducks seem to like playing with them, though.
Yup, at least one drake feather there. Kinda looks like one on the duck in front of him too, but for your sake I'll hope it's just a trick of the angle and you've got a bunch of girls in there with him.
I think its the camera angle. When they are closer, I don't see the drake feather on the others, but they are still young. One drake would certainly be enough.

Can leg size be a sex indicator as well as drake feathers and quacks? One heavy leg guy and 4 with slim legs.
It works that way with Muscovy... you can tell pretty early on which are girls by the "heaviness" of their legs. But a couple of weeks later you get a definite size difference

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