Is this a good investment?


7 Years
Mar 29, 2013
I am planning on purchasing silver laced wyandottes and I have a choice of buying some chicks from the feed store or from a NPIP certified breeder but the pictures on their website don't look like true silver laced wyandotte. Here's a pic that the breeder had on the website
I don't have wyandottes, but they would be my next breed of choice if I had a extra coop. As for the pic it looks likes a hatchery pullet.

A pullet should look similar to this. (Not my bird, just google imaged search)

I am planning on purchasing silver laced wyandottes and I have a choice of buying some chicks from the feed store or from a NPIP certified breeder but the pictures on their website don't look like true silver laced wyandotte. Here's a pic that the breeder had on the website
It looks like one.
That's what I was thinking because it looks very different than the ones on google

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