Is this a good starter kit?


Chicken Chaser
6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
Like the title says... wondering if this is a good starter kit?

I have a pool that I plan to use as the base, rather than paper, but it isn't very tall since it is intended for my little dogs. I think it is maybe 6" or so high.

I have local feed stores here, so I'm sure they will have starter feed and grit and such, so I'm not worried about that part. :) I also have plenty of PVC around the house, so I can build something to hang the light on.
Wow! REALLY expensive! You can get one feeder and one waterer much cheaper. I made my brooder out of a storage tote. Here it is:

You would be surprised at how quickly little babies begin to fly. You'll need to move your chicks out of that cardboard brooder before you know it! Chicks start practice flying at around 8 days old. Within 2 weeks they will be flying. Seems a waste of money that you'd only get a week and half to 2 weeks out of.

Thanks for the info -- I haven't gotten to the local feed stores yet to see how much stuff is there. I'm still in the planning process, and waiting on a couple of neighbors to get back with me to make sure they are okay with me having them.

The storage tote is a good idea, is it big enough for them until they can go live in the coop?

I'm looking at getting silkies, which I've been told don't fly?
Thanks for the info -- I haven't gotten to the local feed stores yet to see how much stuff is there. I'm still in the planning process, and waiting on a couple of neighbors to get back with me to make sure they are okay with me having them.

The storage tote is a good idea, is it big enough for them until they can go live in the coop?

I'm looking at getting silkies, which I've been told don't fly?
I don't know how many that you plan to get, but I had 3 at a time in that brooder, and yes they were in it until they were moved outside (7 weeks). Go here, and you'll she the progression of their growth. Keep in mind that my hens are Buff Orps, which are a large breed. You could fit more of the tiny silkies in a brooder of that size.
I used a baby pool and just put chicken wire around it. Works well if it just off the roll since it will naturally curl around the pool. I had 10 chickens in it until 5 weeks of age. It is much cheaper and it is also reusable.
I don't know how many that you plan to get, but I had 3 at a time in that brooder, and yes they were in it until they were moved outside (7 weeks). Go here, and you'll she the progression of their growth. Keep in mind that my hens are Buff Orps, which are a large breed. You could fit more of the tiny silkies in a brooder of that size.

I'm planning to order 8-10.
I used a baby pool and just put chicken wire around it. Works well if it just off the roll since it will naturally curl around the pool. I had 10 chickens in it until 5 weeks of age. It is much cheaper and it is also reusable.

That's a good idea too! I have some of that metal hardware cloth stuff, so that would work too!

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