Is this a joke...Neutering a Rooster?

My Dad, now 77, used to "caponize" roos for my Gram and all of her neighbors each year. He rarely lost a "patient" ever. They do grow large and are very tasty! The good old days...
I once traded 2 roosters for 1 capon with an elderly Asian lady.

She didn't lose any and did all the work with a sharp knife, a needle and thread. They were Cornish X's and were HUGE after a few more weeks. But, they were going to be big anyway and, I gotta say, much of that was fat, fat, fat.

It seemed like a lot of work and I didn't enjoy standing there and watching. (Which may seem kind of funny since I've been in charge of the south end of quite a few bull calves pointing north, on their special day.

a good friend of mine who is 70 tells me he used to help a friend caponize a huge mess of cockerels at once. the way he described it, it was quick, and required no stitching. this was at UC Davis, many many years ago. i guess it's just not necessary anymore with faster growing meat breeds.

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