is this a new duck egg or a new ckn egg??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 3, 2014
I have two ducks male, chicken, and female, mushi. I have been waiting for mushi to lay for a while. But I also have two EE hens that are due to lay soon as well... I could be patient and wait for more to come. but I found two eggs on the ground of the coop and they seem large for a chickens first egg but small duck and the yolk is not orange like a duck egg... also my ducks moved in the chicken coop one day I have tried doing little nesting boxes on the ground for mushi but our chickens pull it apart... does anyone else have chicken share a coop with ducks? How should I set it up?
It looks more like the shape of a duck egg to me.

Surefire way to tell is that "usually" ducks lay VERY early in the morning, like usually before 6 a.m. Chickens may lay early once in awhile, but (most) ducks lay early like that every day. I have my ducks and chickens separated, so can't offer feedback there.
Thank you! Ill have to see in the morning!
Lol we had separate coops but we tease that the ducks felt like they were getting the shaft, since we temporarily have the ckns in a room with a bathroom attached to the garage. They wanted indoor plumming too ;)

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