Is this a New Hampshire?

The Production Reds I've seen are a sort of dull, flat red color, not all that attractive, IMO. But then, I also dont care for the color of the red sexlink, either. My NHs are almost the exact flaming red of my RIR/Buff Orp cross hen, Meg. They are just hatchery stock and dont have much black in the hackles like I've seen in many NH hens.
I'm kinda disappointed to find out i've just got Production Reds not true Rhode Island Reds.
I guess you would have to find a breeder to get a true type of RIR.
I have some beauties. They came from eggs I hatched from Bama Chicken. Hopefully, she'll still have some. Here's one girl of my three:
Wow SpeckledHen, now thats what i'm talking about!
Now one more question are the production red RIR bred for increased egg production with looks coming secondary? And are the birds bred for deep color and looks, lose egg production qualities?
I hope I worded that right. lol
IMHO good luck finding out what it REALLY is. I dare say you won't ever know for sure if it is hatchery stock. They do their own thing it seems and want to give people egg producers, which is ok. But if you want pure stock or show stock: FORGET ABOUT

Also, I saw a photo of a RIR hen online from maybe Cackle Hatchery and that bird was LIGHT. Looked like Violet my lovely blond NHR, whom Cyn met some time ago on line. So what some call a RIR or whatever may look like who knows what......

I just don't think, if dealing with RIR NHR you're/we're ever gonna be sure of the pedigree and purity........

But I love my babies anyway.

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