is this a normal sound.< WITH VIDEO >


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Fairborn OH
My 8 month old dark Brahma hen BB was found yesterday am on the coop floor limp and cold but still alive. I brought her in put her in a laundry basket near our wood stove and immediately put some warm sugar water in her mouth. I also put a dab of honey on her tongue. I had to run down the road for a few hours and when I came back there wasn't much change. I picked her up and ran a blow dryer on her for about 20 minutes and gave her some more warm sugar water. She is rather thin I think the other girls were keeping her away from the feeder too much. Anyways she finally perked up last night around 6 and was taking small sips of the sugar water on her own. About 7 I made her some layer mash and after a few times of putting a dab on her beak she readily ate it on her own out of a bowl. She is still weak but stands and eats and drinks on her own. However she is making an odd sound. I will try to post a video of it. Kinda a honk/screech with her neck stretched out. At first I thought is was a respiratory problem so I started her on Tulane injections. But there is no rattling when she breathes eyes are clear and doesn't seem to be any nasal discharge although she has been shaking her head a lot. Any info is always appreciated.

Edited to add video

not the greatest, but gives an idea.
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That is quite the noise. Fortunately, it doesn't sound like sneezing or coughing, but it is definitely not normal. What is up with her crop? From the vid her crop seems huge. Or is it just the way she is holding her head?
Keep him away from other in a seperate area and pen. How does the breathing/chest sound? Sounds like respitory issue but not sure if IB,MG,ILT? With ILT they shake their heads and sound real wierd like him but again the other respitory dieases sound kinda the same. I would treat with tylan 50 injectable in the neck 1/2cc for 3 to 5 days. Denagard is good to but I think tylan is faster. Dawg would be one to ask on this. I hope he pulls through.
She is inside so far away from the rest. None of the others seem to be ill at all. Her chest sounds clear no noise or rattling. I am currently giving her Tylan 50 but in the breast, is in the neck better? Other than the funny noise, she seems pretty good. A little less wanting to eat today, but still drinking water.

After 1 day of antibiotics, and eating/drinking on her own. She is doing much better! She was up walking around this afternoon, and is now having to be crated. She is eating solid food (not a mash) and drinking water. No more honking either, just normal chicken sounds. I will keep her on antibiotics for a few more days. How long should I keep her away from the other birds? I plan to put her in with my silkies so the layer girls don't continue to pick on her and keep her away from the food.

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