Is this a parasites problem?


5 Years
Apr 27, 2014
Feathers are missing at the base of the tail feathers and around the vent. I have 9 hens in my backyard flock. They are about one year old. Back in November (nearly 5 months ago) One of my girls, "Chicken Miss Nugget", started losing feathers around her vent and the base of her tail feathers. The skin is intact and she's laying eggs regularly. She had been the only one with this problem until recently. Now I have 4 more girls that are beginning to lose feathers around the base of their tail feathers.
Is this a parasites problem? What do I do to fix this? I'll see if I can attach a picture.

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The picture isn't showing up, but I have heard that chickens can pull out their own feathers in frustration thanks to creepy crawlies.

It's also possible there is a bully hen. Are ALL of them losing feathers or is there one still with her feathers?

Posting a picture would help!!!

Also, welcome to BYC. :)

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Do you have a rooster? My hens look like that but they constantly have a rooster on top of them pulling out their feathers with his spurs. You can clearly see mites moving on them and your eggs if you have a mite problem. Does one of the hens constantly pick feathers off the other girls? Good luck hope you find out what it is.
We do not have a rooster. I can not see any creepy crawlies or eggs on them. I've not seen the hens pecking at each other, but that doesn't mean that they aren't doing it while I'm not watching.
Yes, I think about 4 of them have all their feathers still. Before the feathers go missing, they starts to look kind of fuzzy, like they're fraying.

I am having the same problem with some of my girls. At first I thought it was caused by our rooster but others started loosing feathers even after we got rid of him. I have seen some of the hens pecking feathers and eating them. I have started giving them extra protein in case it is a deficiency and I have dusted all of them for mites but I have not seen any improvement. I am interested to see any advice that some other may have.
Pinless peepers will keep the pickers from pulling feathers off their flock mates.

Feather picking is usually caused by boredom, not enough room, parasites,insufficient protein in their diet.
By the way, the hens that still have all their feathers are probably the hens doing the feather pulling.

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