Is this a pullet?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Poulsbo, WA
I didn't know Barred Rocks could be sexed by color & other traits before I got this little fuzzy yesterday. She was the last BR they had - hopefully that doesn't mean that everyone else took one look at her and said "ROO!".



Also... I have believed my wonderful Gloria to be an EE... but she lays beige eggs. Is that possible? Any ideas what she is if she's not EE?

Here is the best shot I could get of the back of her and her head is sort of in it... she just kept moving!
(Excuse the little bit of poo on her fuzzy butt...)

What do think? Girl?

Oh I certainly hope so! It was so sad last spring when Mary/Bart had to leave and go live at my friend's mum's house with a turkey who would appreciate the constant cockadoodling!

This little BR we named her George Sand after the French feminist author.

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