Is this a roo?


7 Years
Mar 19, 2012

In the last thread I made, I recieved the info that the eagle chicken is a White Laced Red Cornish Bantam. Thanks for that again! It really helped me out. I basically had good guesses for the other two, but had no idea about that one.

Now I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if its a boy. But it doesn't look like an rooster I've ever seen before. Today these chickens are about 2-3months old. The place I bought them didn''t know their age so I'm just guessing.

Thank you again!
I usually reserve judgment until I can see the pointy saddle feathers coming in on a cockerel. :) Until then, I keep hoping for a pullet. That comb sure looks like a cockerel's, though. :)

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