is this a roo?

Chewie Da Bacca

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 18, 2014
New Brunswick, Canada
Hi again,

It has been some time since I posted here but now that my chickens are older there is one that is different than the others and I'm concerned it might be a rooster. It might be that she is just more mature then the others as the only difference I notice is a redder comb and the ones starting by he beak. It is possible that she is a mix and a little different than the other white ones as they were purchased from a feed store and they said they might be mix.
She looks like a girl to me! She is most likely a white leghorn, and even the hens have large combs. I'm not seeing any other signs that she is a rooster like long, skinny, shiny hackle and saddle feathers or gigantic legs.
I ended up with one white leghorn roo in a mix batch of chicks. That looks like a hen, their combs will be tall, when they get older they fall over. The roos will stand up straight. My roo had its tail feathers curling way down at that size. I'd say its a hen, you got one egg laying machine.
Thank you guys very much. I can only keep hens here out of courtesy for our neighbors. If it had been a male we would have been having some chicken for dinner which isn't a bad thing but these ones were in the hopes of eggs. Thanks again!
Agree she's white Leghorn pullet. You didn't say how old, but I'm thinking coming 5 months or so? I'd say eggs are only a few weeks away with her.
Mine are about the same, 12 weeks or so. I wish I got a picture of the roo, his tail feathers were long and curld around almost to the ground so yours is most definatly a hen. I just finished putting him and six others in freezer bags. I only need one roo, they haven't been that bad until the last couple days. Now they not only were fighting, but started terrorizing the hens. They would gang up on each other also, and I didn't want my Welsummer roo loseing his tail feathers. He has been the dominate roo, but the leghorn and two cochins ganged up on him yesterday. They had to go.
Yes, that is what I mean. I'm pretty sure that (s)he isn't the biggest of the chickens either. I'll get a picture of all of them tomorrow to compare if you think that would be beneficial?

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