Is this a Rooster or a Hen?


8 Years
Jun 12, 2015
I bought all 6 of my chickens from the Pet Club who supposedly buys only FEMALES.

I noticed that Roo (actual name) has some different features then Cheeky the Ameraucana bought at the same time.

I will post baby pictures of each first then the pictures I just took now.

I am truly hoping Roo is a Hen because sadly I didnt want a rooster an he will be sold.

These are two teen pictures.

This picture below is Roo when I first got "it"

This is another Teen picture, since I read something about the comb, this is the best shot in a picture I have that shows "its" comb. The next pictures are of Cheeky the hen (i think).
This is Cheeky the other Ameraucana, bought the same time as Roo.

as you can see Roo is on the left. in this above picture.

this is cheeky as a chick when I first got her.
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Too young yet. Wait till after six weeks old.

I was getting to the pictures of today to compare.

I know some people out there can tell the difference of sex in chicks, so I was posting what Roo looked like as a chick/pullet and of Cheeky to see if someone can tell by looking at that, todays pictures will show the massive difference between the two Ameraucana's.
This is Roo resting on Cheeky's back.

This is the best I could get of a close up of the comb on Roo.

Same with this picture of Roo, also tried to get the feet in the shot because "its" feet are way BIGGER then Cheeky's.

Tried to get a Neck Feather Shot & Comb.

This is a full body shot of Roo, was trying to show "its" tail feathers.

Again with full body shot of Roo

Tail shot of Roo

Roo to the left & Cheeky in the right.

Roo laying down

Poor shade shot of Roo

Roo shot

Full body shot again of Roo.
Please be a hen with a fluffy beard and fat feet.......

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