Is this a rooster?


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2022
My daughter is doing the 4H chicken chain and we were supposed to have all pullets but one of them is so different than the others, we’re really beginning to think there was a mistake. Hattie (or maybe Harold) is bigger than the other chickens. She also has very different coloring and green iridescent streaks on body and tail. Her comb is much more red than the others too. No sign of spurs or crowing yet. They were born the 1st of March so they’re 14 weeks.
What do you all think? Hen or rooster?
Does anyone know when they start crowing? I haven’t heard anything yet but I could be missing it. Neighbors on both sides of us have multiple roosters so someone is always crowing!
Does anyone know when they start crowing? I haven’t heard anything yet but I could be missing it. Neighbors on both sides of us have multiple roosters so someone is always crowing!
Can be early, like 7 weeks, or any time after. Really depends on the bird. You can usually tell because their first crows are pretty pathetic. So listen for something weird and it's probably him.
Does anyone know when they start crowing? I haven’t heard anything yet but I could be missing it. Neighbors on both sides of us have multiple roosters so someone is always crowing!
it depends, similar to a hen laying an egg I believe! we’ve had ones crow (or try to) around 3/4 months and then others around the 5 month mark. processed a Lavender Orpington at 7 months who I swear grew male saddle feathers over night and he never crowed (that I noticed anyway).

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