Is this a rooster?


Apr 15, 2015
Northern Wisconsin


Hopefully these pics post correctly, because I'm curious if anyone can tell me why my two black silkies look so different. When I got them I was told the smaller one ("DohDoh") was 9 months old... Yet the larger one ("RooBerri") is saposed to be younger at 6 months. I was told they were BOTH hens, but RooBerri is so much bigger and heftier, larger, thicker neck and body. DohDoh is laying eggs, but I have yet to see my he/she Roo lay any eggs... He/she hasn't crowed like a rooster yet either. RooBerri is a very docile chicken and never pecks at anyone else. Can anyone tell from my pics?

Thanks! :confused:

I'm thinking cockerel.

2 questions: 1- can you identify my roosters breed.?He is not large and very old.One spur does a 360 and is pointing forward. #2 - I free range hens daily and one of my new pullets went broody and wouldn't return to pen or coop in p/m. She showed up 21 days later with 6 chicks. I found she had hatched them in Juniper bushes. I have let her take care of chicks for 2 weeks now and all are ok. But for safety at night I want her to return to coop. Other hens/ rooster free range with her every day and they Don't bother the chicks. Mom is still very broody and protective. Every P/m she seems to be getting closer to pen, but then returns to Junipers. Any ideas on getting them in?? Don't think I can chase or take her away. I do have a separate coop ready for them. I have no experience with this broody stuff. Sorry so long, Thank-You
@Doc Roger I'm not sure on your rooster breed but I would try and put her in with the flock now when she is still willing to protect her chicks. If you could try to catch her and her chicks or chase her in that would be ideal. Oh I'm so jealous
I love broody hens and I haven't had one in 3 years
. Have fun with your chickadees!
Thank-You Chicken Girl. What your saying is while my hen is still protecting her chicks, get them in the pen/coop. Makes sense, I'll see what I can do.Every night I watch and she seems to want to rejoin.
Thanks again

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