Is this a sneeze?


10 Years
Jan 23, 2014
I'm hearing this noise coming from my peachicks and/or peahens. I can't actually tell which if it's one bird or multiple birds or if it's the chicks or hens making the noise. It just started two days ago and is happening intermittently. Is it a sneeze or cough or something? I'm hoping it's some sort of new vocalisation that the peachicks are starting but I'm kind of worried that it might be a sneeze. I hope the link works. Thanks
Sorry, I can't tell. Maybe you could do a video?
Thanks. I'll try but I'm not sure if I can. If not I can try and get some better audio.

What does a peafowl sneeze normally sound like? Or a cough?

This noise that I'm hearing is a bit like a duck quacking, but quieter. Or you know the noise the peahens make to call the peachicks - the sort of high pitched grunting? It's like a cross between that and a quiet duck quack but more sudden and short.

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