Is this a surge in chicken keepers?


In the Brooder
Mar 17, 2020
So my wife and I are chicken newbies. We just got our set up running and have 3 australorp, 2 buff orpingtons, 2 Ameraucana (probably EE, sneaky TSC) and lastly an unknown, maybe sexlink/ maybe EE/maybe actual Ameraucana we got from our Co-Op. All this being said, chickens were in the pipeline but probably a year out since we are expecting newborn any time now. But we talked ourselves into making the plunge early because of the current climate in terms of the pandemic and quarantines and food shortages etc. This got me wondering are we the only ones making this decision. We noticed our local TSC was selling out of chicks real quick and I clearly don't know if maybe that's just normal and there's always been a huge chicken community or if the current state of affairs or maybe even the rise of online chicken keepers and homestead-ers is creating a surge in the home grown and home raised sub culture. Any input from the veterans would be quite enlightening.
There’s always a demand for chicks and stuff, but I don’t doubt the demand has gone up with the pandemic. I barely started two years ago and the chicks at my TSC always sell out within a decent amount of time and they always restock. I heard this year though they’ve been selling them a bit faster or more customers are buying them.
Yes, any “Ameraucanas” you bought from TSC are Easter Eggers.
I was looking to expand my flock (people often do in the spring) and every feed store in the area is sold out of chickens entirely. Talking to the people at the stores they say people are panic buying and most say they had enough to last through April but sold out in a week. I do live in a semi-rural area, but apparently the sales have been unprecedented.

*Edited to say I'm no veteran - I've only been hanging out with chickens for a little over a year.
I have heard talk about this on my local chicken fb group. It could be after they bought all the toilet paper, hand sanitizer, frozen veggies and flour they turned to the chick bins at the feed stores. I wouldn't be surprised.

I hope if any first timers bought a lot that they are prepared and researched a lot so their flock doesn’t end up as predator food.

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