Is this a Welsummer?

Just went out and found another egg just like yesterday's. And, of course, after running out to check all day long, I had resigned to the fact she wouldn't lay again today. I took another pic, this time on a white piece of paper so you could see the tint.
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I expect this came either from the gal in question or from the Faverolle. The SLW should be darker than that in my experience.

Yes, next to the white paper... I can see the beautiful cream color. :cool:

Funny enough... if you haven't already noticed or didn't know.... all eggs have white shells under their coating and you can see it when you crack them open on the inside. True blue eggs are the exception. Many blue tinted eggs will still be white on the inside. True blue is supposed to be all the way through the shell.

Funnier even still... about 15 years ago when my hubby brought home fresh colorful egg from someone he worked with... I was scared to eat them! The seemed so odd compared to the store bought white ones. :lol: Now... many people avoid "white" eggs because they are associated with store bought and not farm fresh. I really love having some white layers. It really accentuates and becomes a fantastic part of the overall egg basket.

Thank you for sharing your mystery adventure with us. :wee
You mean to tell me the cream colored egg is coming from Polish?! :eek:

I went in the gate this morning and was greeted by four pullets and one cockerel. I continued to the coop, and CJ the Polish girl was moseying out the pop door. I immediately went to the nest boxes and found a warm egg, straight out of the pipes. I really wouldn't have guessed it myself.

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