Is this an Eleanor or a Franklin?

Well, I've been researching combs, columbian feather patterns, and everything else I could find that you all have mentioned and...heck if I know. Eleanor does have some grey/black coming in on her wings and tail feathers if that means anything. I'll take some more pictures of her next time I have the gang outside.

Thanks again for all the opinions. I hope I can someday go through all these threads and be as helpful to newbies as you all have been to this newbie.
I could have sworn I posted this earlier today but I can't find the alleged post anywhere so apparently I didn't. Let me try again. I took more pictures of Eleanor this morning that definitely show greenish legs but also some gray coming in around her neck, wings and tail. Delaware or Easter Egger, I'm just happy she's a she.

The big question in our house now concerns Althea, the Barred Rock. Many in this family feel she's a rooster but since none of us really know what we're doing yet, I figured I'd put it to the experts. What do you think?

Not sure about Athena, but I'm leaning toward cockerel. Eleanor still reminds me of a Delaware even though she has greenish legs because she doesn't have a pea comb or a beard which are traits common to Easter Eggers. Her large size also indicates Delaware.
Oh my, Rhodebar Lover. That's not what I wanted to hear about Althea but I certainly appreciate your input. For what, in particular, should we keep looking to determine the gender? S/he has also been involved in more chest bumping with Eleanor lately but I did read that both sexes will participate so I'm not sure that's anything meaningful.

Eleanor is certainly a chunk compared to her flockmates so it'll be interesting to see how she progresses and who she is.
What's funny is that when I first read your post, I was thinking to myself, 'I'd be more worried about the barred rock'. :) The coloring looks pretty light to me to be a pullet, but I could be wrong. Usually the females of the barred/cuckoo chicks are darker, and the boys are lighter (more grey, I guess, as opposed to more black). I have a cuckoo marans that I've been keeping a close eye on because s/he is awfully rooster-ish, which is the only reason that I even noticed it in the first post of yours. So I'm not an expert by any means, but I have been researching the barred/cuckoo feathering patterns like a crazy person, and I'm leaning towards boy. I hope I'm wrong!!
Maybe it's a trick of the light or maybe she is a she and is a little lighter, or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. :)
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The light barring on Althea says cockerel. Eleanor is an Easter Egger (likely a pullet). She's not a traditional EE with a pea comb (EEs often lack beards or muffs) but those greenish legs still mark her out as an EE.
Ugh. Seriously not what we were hoping for regarding Althea, I mean, Al. We can't keep a rooster and the hatchery will take him back if he is indeed a male but that makes me pretty sad as we've all become attached already. At this point do we just wait until the lack of eggs and hear a cock-a-doodle-do to get a definitive answer? Hope springs eternal, however, so maybe s/he is just a little different and will turn out to be a lovely hen.

Thanks again for your help.

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