Is this bumblefoot?

I wonder if you could use a drawing salve on her foot in case there is a splinter or something causing the swelling?

I've definitely been thinking about that too. Not sure what kind is best though. I'll have to do some research on it. I'll be in town tomorrow, so I can pick something up. If it's an ointment it might stay better too because anytime I clean her foot she immediately gets in the pond and tries to clean herself.
Might have to figure out a way for her to stay out of the pond until this is cleared up especially if you are applying ointment to her foot.
I have Ithammol probably spelled wrong as a drawing salve don't buy it no good really.

I would not cut it open just keep doing the soaks and clear iodine for now. But do them before bedtime so she doesn't get into the pond and wash it off.
Well, I've soaked it in an epsom salt water and tea tree mixture and then scrubbed with clear iodine about 3 nights in a row now. Then I sort of got thrown off schedule with the holiday. I'm hesitant to rush her to the vet just yet, because upon inspection this morning, the swelling seems to have gone down slightly. It's still big, but she isn't limping on it like she was either. I want to give it another few days.
Keep up what your doing hopefully you can peel off the scab and that will take care of it.

Once the scab comes off you can usually get the bumble out and let it heal.
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To me it is joint inflammatory issues. So if your treatment is going well I would make a plaster of Vaseline and Epsom salts (equal parts) then place it on affected limb and wrap it for 3 hrs in vet wrap self adhesive stretch wrap. DO NOT LEAVE IT ON BUT JUST TWICE DAILY! After bandage removal wipe with acetone (nail polish remover). If better after 2 wraps (1 day) continue, if not get to vet for diagnosis. Oh keep on dry bedding and confined.

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