Is this chick healthy?

Jul 1, 2019
New Mexico

One of my eight-week-old bantam Cochin chicks is smaller than the others. I think this is because she is the only Cochin pullet, the other two are boys and the other pullet is a different breed. She seems to be eating normally. Is it normal for her to be smaller than her brothers and sister?
Jenny 8 Wks.JPG
It would be helpful to have a cockerel with her for comparison. She looks good in the picture. Check her for symptoms of disease:

eyes should be bright with no liquid draining from them

nostrils should be clear of mucus

dropping should be fairly dry and solid/a clean vent with no diarrhea stains

quiet breathing with no rasping sounds

sleek, tight feathered appearance.
It would be helpful to have a cockerel with her for comparison. She looks good in the picture. Check her for symptoms of disease:

eyes should be bright with no liquid draining from them

nostrils should be clear of mucus

dropping should be fairly dry and solid/a clean vent with no diarrhea stains

quiet breathing with no rasping sounds

sleek, tight feathered appearance.

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