Is this chicken a Salmon Faverolle?

I do not think that's a Faverolle...I see no muffs or beard. Probably a Cochin. :) Sweet little girl you have there.
I agree that her muffs look very small there! :) I took some more photos today (the photos on this thread were from a around week ago), the muffs are more obvious now. I’ll attach the new photos.

Thanks! :D
Good things to check for as oldhen suggested. The coloring is actually coming in about right for a Fav...just wondering where the puffy cheeks are. Here are a couple of photos of my bantam Favorelle. With some babies.. View attachment 1610717 :)View attachment 1610718 See the darker feathers around the neck? Just like yours is doing. Give it another month. Sometimes those puffy cheeks don't pop out for a while.
Thanks, that’s good news! The cheek muffs are actually just starting to pop up now. Your hen is beautiful, and aren’t those babies just adorable? :love
They make good mums, don’t they?


Aren’t those puffy little cheeks adorable?







She's beautiful. Salmon Faverolles can be quite variable in color, especially when young. It is odd that she doesn't have any black in her wing feathers, but that could just mean she is different from the Faverolles standard in that way. Not every bird is going to have coloring that fits the Standard of Perfection exactly.

I do not think she is a white Faverolles crossed with Salmon Faverolles. It's a possibility, but I doubt it because her pattern seems pretty close to SF, and I think it would not be so similar if solid white was crossed in.

Another slight possibility is that she's a splash Faverolles. But this could only happen if the breeders were using blue salmon or splash Faverolles as parents rather than regular salmon Faverolles. And it seems to me if they were using blue or splash salmons, they would let you know, because those colors are rarer and therefore more desirable to some customers.

So, my opinion is that she is probably a pure salmon Faverolles that is a little off in color. She will probably get darker as she ages.
She's beautiful. Salmon Faverolles can be quite variable in color, especially when young. It is odd that she doesn't have any black in her wing feathers, but that could just mean she is different from the Faverolles standard in that way. Not every bird is going to have coloring that fits the Standard of Perfection exactly.

I do not think she is a white Faverolles crossed with Salmon Faverolles. It's a possibility, but I doubt it because her pattern seems pretty close to SF, and I think it would not be so similar if solid white was crossed in.

Another slight possibility is that she's a splash Faverolles. But this could only happen if the breeders were using blue salmon or splash Faverolles as parents rather than regular salmon Faverolles. And it seems to me if they were using blue or splash salmons, they would let you know, because those colors are rarer and therefore more desirable to some customers.

So, my opinion is that she is probably a pure salmon Faverolles that is a little off in color. She will probably get darker as she ages.

All that info is very helpful- thank you so much!! :D

I agree that she could be a Salmon Faverolle that’s a little off standard, especially since she’s been growing more salmon coloured feathers everyday.

I was also considering the possibility that she was a White Faverolle x Salmon Faverolle, especially since she took so long to get colour in her feathers, she actually had me thinking she was a white Faverolle for a while there! I’ll see if I can find some photos. The breeders actually put a photo on their website that had adult White Faverolles & Salmon Faverolles in a pen together, which also had me thinking about this.

I never thought she could be a splash, so that’s another possibility.

At the moment I’m thinking she’s a Salmon Faverolle. If that’s the case, then she was a pretty easy girl to pick out from the rest!
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All that info is very helpful- thank you so much!! :D

I agree that she could be a Salmon Faverolle that’s a little off standard, especially since she’s been growing more salmon coloured feathers everyday.

I was also considering the possibility that she was a White Faverolle x Salmon Faverolle, especially since she took so long to get colour in her feathers, she actually had me thinking she was a white Faverolle for a while there! I’ll see if I can find some photos. The breeders actually put a photo on their website that had adult White Faverolles & Salmon Faverolles in a pen together, which also had me thinking about this.

I never thought she could be a splash, so that’s another possibility.

At the moment I’m thinking she’s a Salmon Faverolle. If that’s the case, then she was a pretty easy girl to pic out from the rest!
Well if the breeders have both whites and salmons, then there is the chance that she's mixed. We need one of our genetics experts to take a look at her. It will be easier when she gets older to see what is up with her color, so I'd just enjoy her for now, and maybe post again when she is fully feathered out.

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