Is this chicken the same as others or different?


8 Years
Sep 7, 2011
Hi everyone! I'm new on this forum. In the psat month i have recieved six chickens. I am very new to chickens so i need a little help about something. My chickens are Rhode Island Reds (at least i think they are, pictures provided). But one looks different from others. THe personality and look is totally different. Its got dark feathers/hair for its head then its got light and to me, dull feathers. It beak is curved down and while all the others have accustomed to me, it still can not be near me and will run away whenever i get near her, knocking water and food down and going spaz. Im not sure if the personality is just who it is but the looks are different. Here are some photos:

SOrry for the difference in size for the photos. The one on the left should be bigger than the one on the right because it provides more detail. Thank you for everyone that can assist me.
They are probably from the same hatch, same breeding. I think they're probably not full RIR, but that doesn't matter, because alot of the hybrids (mixed breeds) are very good layers. It's kind of hard to see the details you've described.

Good luck with them!

Oh, and welcome to BYC from Ohio!

They are Red Sex-Links which are a cross between two breeds (or color types) that create males and females to hatch out separate colors. There are many different Red Sex-Link names depending on the breeder and the cross. Some names are Red Star, Golden Comet, known by many names depending on the breeder and the cross. (Red Star, Golden Comet, Warren, and more).

Hens of these crosses have the same colors, but not always the same proportion of colors.

RSL, Gold comets are what mine were sold as...great bird! Mine is 22 weeks in this shot BTW and just started laying.
Nearly everyone I know that has Red Sex Links thinks they are Rhode Island Reds. You aren't a dummy, they do look very much like RIR.

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