Is this Craig's List ad for real?

Not in the Rhode Island White breed. There is a SC and RC variety in the Rhode Island Red breed.

Note; The Rhode Island White and the Rhode Island Red are completely different breeds.


Oh, sort of like how Banny Cochins and large Cochins are completely different breeds... Or like how Orpingtons, and Orpingtons are completely different species....

The RIW was created using White Wyandottes, rose comb white leghorns, and Partridge Cochins. The RIR using Malay, Brown Leghorn, a "shangai" chickens I believe it is, and possibly Java. They were both developed in Rhode Island (hence the name Rhode Island ___), and the RIW was bred for the same shape and qualities as the RIR. They are two different breeds, they just have been selected in a way so that they have come to resemble eachother
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