Is this Crossbeak / cross beak or scissorbeak ? - Pics (Ameraucana)


Eggstactic for Pretty Eggs
15 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Glendale, AZ
I just noticed today that one my Wheaten Ameraucanas has something wrong with her beak - she definitely did not have this as a chick, but I don't know how long it's been there. Lately it's so hot here in AZ, that the chickens are always panting when I see them, so it's harder to notice the beak deformity. Is this Crossbeak / cross beak or scissorbeak or could she have injured herself?

Is this something that will keep getting worse over time - she was hatched the end of February and is 3 months now. Is this just a mild case that I shouldn't worry about? Is there anything I can do - do I let her be? She won't be bred - we keep our chickens for eggs and pets only.

To me, she looks a little worse in real life - the beak doesn't look very crooked in the pics.



It looks like scissor beak to me (aka: cross beak). If she's not having any problem eating, don't worry about it. I have an EE with scissor beak and she didn't have it as a chick. It developed over time and is more likely than not a genetic problem. She takes a lot longer to pick up food and seems to spend more time working at it (as you would expect) but she ifriendly, healthy and one of my most reliable layers!
Here is Esther, my crooked girl:


This is Esther at 6 weeks old and it has gotten worse over time:
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I agree, as long as she's eating ok she should be fine. I hatched out a BAD crossbeak with only one eye and he's great! Freeranges with the others, growing fine, etc... here's Charlie:


Napping in the afternoon:
She has a bit not doesn't look too bad in pic.I had a silkie a couple year's ago her's was really bad like shannon's pic.We thought We were going to have to cull her.She did good though she ate and everything just like the other bird's.Sadly We lost her to a racoon because daughter didn't get the group in like she was supposed to.We rarely cull bird's unless they just can't be firly normal such as eating drinking and getting around.I riased a baby duck once that turkey pecked it top beak so bad it totaly fell off She used her tounge to get food and stuff but she survived for a good while.I think she will do ok doesn't look to major to me.
Thanks for the replies and I love the pics! It's nice to hear that my pullet should be fine and live a nice life even if her beak gets worse.

I was shocked to find it at this age and not to see any sign of the disability when she was younger - I didn't see it till she was 3 months - at first I though she had hurt herself. Maybe since it didn't start till later, it won't get too bad?
I adopted a drake a couple of years ago that had been attacked by a dog as a youngster and has a crooked, deformed bill. He has no problems eating or drinking either.

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