Is this early BUMBLEFOOT? (pics) If so... how to treat at this stage?


12 Years
Apr 25, 2007
Southern Maine
Our favorite hen, Olympia, is having a rough time right now!!

Not only are we integrating the new pullets (stressful to all) but she is broody for the first time, and we're trying to "break" her. She is very confused, poor thing!!

Now this. It looks to me like the pics I have seen of bumble foot, although there does not seem to be any swelling. She does not seem to be in any pain.

What do you think? Can it clear up on its own or is treatment necessary? I am so hesitant to stress her more. I know the treatment of more extreme cases is to soak, pick off the scab, lance (or squeeze?) the pus out (although there does not seem to be swelling yet), wrap and isolate the bird. That seems so stressful.


Worse foot:

Other foot:

Both feet:
Actually, if its just starting, you may not need to do actual surgery. The scab is usually fairly easy to get off if you soak the foot in epsom salts first the lift around the edges with an exacto blade. Then you could just put Neosporin on that wound and a gauze pad and bandage it up with the stretchy Vetwrap bandage. In the early stages, that may knock it out if it isn't very deep. The pus usually solidifies in a plug that needs to come out, but if it hasn't gotten to that stage, you wont need to cut into the foot pad much at all. Those antibiotics are basically order items, I believe. Terramycin is useless for bumblefoot, in my experience. Some have had okay results from Pen-G injections and you can get that at the feedstore.
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I'd never heard of bumblefoot until about a week ago so I googled it to find out what it is (new chicken owner). YAY! Something else to worry about!

OK, now seriously:

If I were you I'd look it up on google (unless you get a better response here) and try to clean it out. I found info on google, though a search on BYC would likely give as good or better info.

If there is pus, never ever "squeeze". If there's not a clear route for the pus to clear, you can force it farther into the tissue and create a bigger problem.

Good luck & keep us posted!
If it's a scab, it's probably bumblefoot. This is one of my hens, Violet, who fought it for a year of her life. Note that her pad is swollen. That is later stages, and at first there may be not any appreciable swelling.
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Well, the "worse" foot is definitely a scab with a bit of thickness to it. I could sort of catch the edge with my fingernail (although I did not pull it). The other foot has just a slight, thin scabby area.

So what do I do?

Can anyone think what else it might be if not Bumblefoot?

Should I soak the feet and try to pry off the scab or is that not a good idea if I'm not all prepared to bandage her feet and isolate her? (And as noted I'm hesitant to stress her with isolation since she's all freaky with her first broody spell and we're trying to "break" the broodiness by keeping her off the nest. she is really confused, poor thing!!)
That's a good article. I happen to live in the woods, so lots of sharp rocks and old burn piles from the former owner. No matter what I do in the coop and pen, they free range and get bumblefoot over and over, at least the heavier ones do. All the antibiotics he mentions at the end of the article, my Violet was on, one after the other, for a year. I just quit using them entirely for it, except when my very heavy Meg got it in both feet. Do follow his instructions and most will do well.

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