is this EE a rooster?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 16, 2013

I think this EE is a roo....can anyone else confirm? Head shot was a little blurry but "he" is getting a bigger and redder comb than the others that I believe are pullets. The last pic shows the tail feathers which not sure if you can tell from pic but they are coming in blue and green. Legs look thicker than others too.
How old are they? The comb looks suspect of a roo unless they are more advanced in age (> 16 weeks). I'm not very good with judging saddle feathers yet, but are they very pointed?
I'd guess by age that it's a rooster. Try to post a close up of the head with comb. My 10 week EE rooster just started showing red in his comb within the last week
not quite 8 weeks but tail feathers are coming in blueish green. does that mean anything? "he" is also "thicker" legged than the other EE.
Well at almost 8 weeks then yes that's looking like a roo. Especially if he has iridescent feather colors coming in. Hackle feather don't start coming in until the 12 or 13th week if I remember correctly. Then you will know for sure. If you have another older/more dominant roo this one might not crow for a while.
That's NOT a rooster and it's most certainly NOT a roo! It's a cockerel! Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)

The white wing patches are a giveaway.

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