is this EE (possibly Ameraucana) a pullet or roo? CONFIRMATION, pg 6!

I'm going to have to say pullet too. The boys will have 3 rows of bumps on their pea comb and the girls will have only one...or something like that. lol but I'm sticking with pullet!
I'm going with a pullet
Yay, I'm really happy about all the pullet votes! She fell asleep in the crook of my arm while I watched a movie tonight
I really hope that she's really a she so that I can keep her. However, she's really quick to make the warning "chirrr" whenever the dog walks by, which reminds me of my rooster at her age....

I'm really curious to see what her comb turns out like! It seems like every pea/single is a little different - with some really weird ones out there in chickendom.
I'm torn, but I think Roo. I have two blue EEs that I *think* are pullets - and at 13 weeks both still have no pink in the combs and they are much smaller than that one. Let us know what happens!
Yikes, this is a really suspenseful thread! I'll be posting new pics every week until it becomes clear either way. Thanks for all the feedback; yes, even you roo people
That is a bright comb. But the roos I have had have 3 rows. Right now I am leaning toward pullet. Also, I have have an EE pullet with a poof of curved feathers. I did think for a bit "she" was going to be a "he" at 8 weeks. Her coloring made them looked more pointed. But she is a pullet. However, if you start to see glossy , shiney tail feathers, then boy.
This bird only has one row.... but its comb seems to be a mixture of a single and a pea, so that could be affecting things. I'll keep an eye out for shininess....

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