Is this enough space for 8 birds?

No, that's the 9 feet. In this pic it shows another section. We are going to cut the hole bigger and put the nesting boxes in there. They will not be the buckets thou, we will have wooden dividers.
If you no what I mean. Also I'm so sorry for saying mean stuff to you. Something got into me and I'm so sorry.
Here is where the nesting boxes will soon be. Back in there and I will be able to collect them from outside.
If your talking to me I have
1 RIR, Rhode island red
2 EEs,Easter egger
2 BOs, buff orphingtons
2 CR, Columbian rocks
1 PR ,Partridge Rock
Thanks! :D
Yeah but not enough space... but I'm cleaning out the shed today so I'll say something to my dad and hope he agrees to add on. If not I might have to just do it myself.
My birds do not free range. Above in a pic it shows my run but it looks smaller in the pic since I'm back further and my camera is horrible. I do let my birds out every other day for a hour or two to get some grass and bugs, But not all the time.

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