Is this Isa Brown chick a roo?


In the Brooder
Feb 16, 2015
SW Michigan
I can't post pictures yet because I am too new, but I will respond to myself in hopes of reaching the limit so I can actually post pictures of the chick in question. I don't know how frowned upon that is here!
I picked up 4 Isa Brown pullet chicks from the hatchery the day they were hatched, and this one just seemed so much lighter than the others.
I know Isa Browns are able to be sexed by color, but I haven't been able to find any pictures of male chicks in a general google image search to compare mine to.
Two of the chicks (this one and the runt) were both striped, though the runt was a darker color even with the stripes. The other two chicks were solid tan.
Sorry for all the posts, but I am down with a bad cold and not able right now to fill up my required posts with something productive on other threads!

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