is this molting or mites?


12 Years
Feb 19, 2009
Is this molting or mites? (yes they stopped laying!) Some of my hens are losing feathers on back and their legs. (I think the roosters are the culprit!)

The other hens are NOT losing feathers- those that have lost feathers have a "red sunburned back" no spots or sores and pin feathers coming in.....

Should I remove the roosters. the run is mostly dirt/pvc pipe and wire. the nests are even made out of plastic tubs.

Also, only a few hens have "small black spots" on their combs....
None of them are itching or scratching more than normal.

I looked and can't find anything here.... Does this sound like mites? please help! Thanks
First I thought it was moulting but now I think it is the roo's. It might be both
Yup, I think both. The feathers are comming out easily as the hens are mated, because of the moult, providing they are old enough to moult. the red skin is nothing to be concerned about, it`s from exposure and is not permanent or painfull.......Pop

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