Is this Molting???


10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
Crestview, Fl
A couple of my EEs seem to have a bare patch at the base of the tail. They are about 9 months old. I didn't think they would molt until they got more like a year old. Could it be something else???
Wrong time of year for a moult, toyz. Maybe mites. To check for lice/mites, pick a couple off the roost at night and use a flashlight to look under their tail and around the vent. Mites are very tiny, but you can see them if you look close. Could be a rooster problem also, as a lovable roo can wear out the feathers on a pullets back......Pop
In that area of the body, I'd say not a molt. Do you have a rooster? If not, someone could be plucking her or you could have mites. There is a 9-11 month mini-molt, but I had two pullets who lost weight and tons of feathers then--that molt isn't usually that obvious, though. That one seems to show up in sparse feathering just below their jaw line, on the neck.
I'll check for the little buggers tonight

So if it's mites what is the treatment? Also do I need to do some cleaning in thier sand boxes or the coop???
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